Westin Irving

The Garfield Story

Durham Performing Arts Center

Garfield Public/Private LLC has a 24-year history of national leadership in public and public/private development. Ray Garfield and Greg Garfield founded the company in 1997 to finance and develop public/private and publicly owned facilities.

Garfield solves impediments to the delivery of essential facilities, enabling them to be completed sooner and more reliably than traditional public bid methods. Garfield devises innovative development solutions, using financing structures not commonly known to or employed by conventional developers.

Garfield’s proven turnkey method minimizes the public sector’s contractual risk and administrative burden, streamlines the procurement process, and enables “fast track” delivery, within budget and schedule, of high-quality facilities months or even years ahead of when otherwise thought possible.

Over more than four decades, Garfield and its leadership have financed more than $11 billion in debt and equity and developed more than 30 million square feet of all property types. Garfield has more than $1.6 billion of public/private development experience and an additional $3.5 billion in public/private consulting and planning experience.